Beautiful Brunette 6 Month Old Beauty – Cumming, Ga Baby Photographer | Jessica Tanner Photography
Ava came to visit in the studio yesterday for her 6 month session! Doesn’t she have the most gorgeous set of locks? And that smile…to die for! Ava’s older sister, Annaliese, at this age had just as much, and quite frankly, they look A LOT alike! Check out the link for yourself! 6 months is the perfect age for capturing that new bubbling personality along with their independence of finally being able to sit up on their own. Book your baby’s 6 Month session today!
All headbands in these photos were provided by Little Dainty Darlings. Please check out her Etsy shop! I am sure you will be able to find something dainty for your little darling! EEK, I just love saying that! 😉