Sweet Smiling Beauty {Jefferson, Ga Newborn & Baby Photographer | Jessica Tanner Photography}
7.5 lb 9 week old Peyton graced me with her presence this morning! She was born 6 weeks early and even at 9 weeks she slept like a dream, well kinda 😉 She wiggled and wiggled the entire session! It took both her mother and I to pose her, but end the end I conquered….isn’t that always the case though 😉 Peyton smiled the entire session, and I really think that over half of her images will have a smile in them! That is sometimes rare in my studio.
Orange Newborn Lace Wrap, Green Newborn Sheer Wrap, and White flower headband by Itsy Bitsy Blooms! Newborn photographers – please check out her fabulous Etsy Shop!
If you are a photographer and are looking for newborn headbands and wraps, please check out Itsy Bitsy Blooms!
If you have a little princess at home and would love some sassy but sweet accessories for her, please visit Little Dainty Darlings!
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